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Avon BOE Communications Committee Agenda-Tuesday Augst 28th
Special Meeting

Communications Committee

Avon Board of Education

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 6:00 P.M. Avon High School - Community Room


I. Call to Order


II. Review and discussion of 2012-2013 Subcommittee Focused Tasks


a. Publish monthly publication titled “Board Brief’
b. Develop and publish an annual list of district accomplishments
c. Communicate events associated with District Strategic Plan
d. Represent Board of Education at school Open House events
e. Host public information session regarding Collective Bargaining
f. Participate with other town officials in hosting a Community Conversation (grant
g. Develop and implement communication strategies for use with educating the public
regarding the Board of Education Proposed Budget

III. Old Business
a. Status of Facebook page
b. Status of Avon Day preparations
c. Schedule Special Education Forum


IV. New Business

V. Communication from Public

VI. Adjournment